Book #8 Review

Goal: Introduce a new method of review for Book #8

Book Review Demo
Book Review Work Time

Presentation Demo:
  • We're doing book review presentations this week. 
  • Your teachers have prepared a demonstration so you know what yours should look like. 
  • Take note of any similarities you notice between your teachers' slides.
  1. Go to Google Classroom and find the assignment titled "Class Book Review Slides" 
  2. Claim the slide that is the SAME as your CHROMEBOOK NUMBER by putting your name in the bottom right corner.
  3. If your chromebook is 1-4 you'll use a different slide. 1=40, 2=41, 3=42, 4=43.
  • Finish reading Book #8 if you're not done yet. Your slide must be ready by Wednesday at the end of class.
