Check-In + Introduce Final Project

Goals: Review PL policies and introduce final project

Wednesday at Advisory


Reading Progress Update
Intro to Project

1. Reading Progress Update
Click HERE for a reading progress update.

2. Quizziz
Click HERE and enter the code I give you in class. 

2. Introducing Our Academic Honesty Project:
  • We will conclude our unit on academic honesty with a project. 
  • You can view the project outline HERE. 
  • Today we are just talking about it. 
  • All you have to do is start thinking about ideas and decide who you might partner with.
  • We will work on this more later this week.

Add these dates to your calendar
4/24 - Initial ideas due for your Academic Honesty Project (You fill out a form in class.)
4/26 - Project Proposal Due
5/6 - Academic Honesty Project due. Be prepared to tell the class about your project.
