On-Demand Writing

Image result for google classroom logoGoal: Write an essay about the qualitative and quantitative data we've reviewed this week

New Book Review
On-Demand Writing

1. New Book Review
  • You should be finished with Book #9 today.
  • We will be completing our next Book Review on a new application: Flipgrid
  • You will record a 90 second video that should include:
    • Your summary of the book, how it challenged you, and who would like it. 
  • We will give you class time on Monday to complete this, but if you want to do at home you need to do it over the weekend.
  • Click HERE to record your video. (Must be signed into your stu.sandi.net account.)
  • Want to see an example? Here is a video book review Mrs. R did. 
2. On-Demand Writing
  • There is an assignment in Google Classroom called "Academic Honesty Essay."
  • The writing prompt is listed in the assignment, and we will review it as a class before beginning. 
  • You have the rest of the period to complete the essay. 
  • At the end of the period click the  TURN IN  button on your essay doc. 
  • If you didn't finish reading Book 9, you have this weekend to finish it. The book review is due by Monday at the end of class.
