Our Buggy Moral Code

Goal: Interact with a video that explores why humans are predictably irrational, and what leads us to want to lie and cheat

English Journal Response

1. "Our Buggy Moral Code" 
  • We are going to watch a TED Talk that explores why humans cheat. 
  • As you watch, you will pause to answer questions. These questions are multiple choice and short-answer. With short answer questions, be sure to write in complete sentences. 
  • Access the video HERE

2. English Journal Response
Dan Ariely uses all of the following in the TED Talk you just watched.
In your English Journal, write a paragraph showing which one of the following he used MOST prominently (click to enlarge):
Do you think his method worked to get his point across? How does he establish a relationship with the audience?

  • Book 9 should be finished by 4/12.
  • If you want to make up your Poe/Laughton essay from before break, schedule a writing conference with any one of your English teachers before you request a regrade.
