EJ Self-Score + Project Work Time

Goal: Self-score English Journals and work on projects

EJ Self-Score
Project Work Time

1. English Journal Self-Score
  1. Open your English Journal
  2. Review the English Journal Scoring Guide
  3. Determine how you would score your English Journal. 
  4. PASTE this sentence below into the TOP of your English Journal and be sure it is complete. 
May 2, 2019 Self Score:        
I believe I have earned a ______ <<(Your score 1-5) on my English Journal because_______________________ _______________ <<(Your reasons you think you earned that score.) 

2. Project Work Time 

  • FIRST TASK WITH YOUR GROUP: Complete THIS FORM sharing the status of your project with your teachers.
  • The rest of this class period is devoted to project work time.
  • Yesterday we gave you THIS presentation template. Only one person in each group needs to download it, but please share it with your teachers! 

  • The end of the grading period is tomorrow. Do you have any questions about grading? 
  • You should be on Book #10. Remember, we talked about that non-fiction article earlier this week. Think about an article you can use for your book review. We are going to ask you about it next week.
