Learning About Photojournalism

Photo credit: TIME Magazine Top 100 Photos of 2018
Goal: Learn about photojournalism and write about an influential photo

Photo Rotation Rounds
Writing About a Photo

1. Norms and Expectations 
  • Be kind
  • Be helpful 
  • Be respectful
2. Photo Rotation Rounds 
  • We will be looking at different photos in our groups. 
  • You will discuss the questions on each space - let's talk about what that looks like IN SILENCE.
  • Make sure everyone's voice can be heard.
  • Some of the photos contain sensitive material please be empathetic toward peoples' experiences (and people have experiences different than yours) 
3. Writing About a Photo
  • Make a copy of this INVESTIGATING PHOTOJOURNALISM document.
  • Share it with Ms. Daniel (cdaniel@sandi.net) 
  • Complete the document before the end of class. 
We are writing about Book #10 on Thursday.
