Welcome to Your Last Ninth Grade Unit!

Goal: Kick off our last unit of 9th grade by learning about social groups and editorials 

Brainstorm Social Groups 
Define Editorial 
Investigate a Text

1. What is a social group? 
  • Define social group
  • Name as many social groups as we can
2. What is an editorial? 
  • An editorial is an article that presents the newspaper's opinion on an issue. 
  • Editorial writers build on an argument and try to persuade readers to think the same way they do. 
  • Editorials are meant to influence public opinion, promote critical thinking, and sometimes cause people to take action on an issue. 
  • In essence, an editorial is an opinionated news story.
3. Investigate a Text
  • This is a table activity. 
  • I will be passing out an investigative sheet that each table will fill out.
  • Do not fill out any box until you get the hints. 

Tonight's Task:
Check out what groups you see represented on television, in video games, on social media, and in music. How are different social groups represented in media? 

Editorial Definition Source: Weintraut
