District Reading Assessment and Memoir Ideas

1. Reading Assessment
  • Today we need to take a quick reading assessment. I will give you instructions in class. 
  • If you have earbuds or headphones you should use them for the test. 
  • If you need to borrow some we have extras. 
2. Reading
  • When you finish your test you should read your book. 
  • When everyone is done we will talk about memoirs. 

3. Writing memoirs
  • Tomorrow you'll start a draft of your memoir in class.
  • Your homework is to review your ideas and find one you want to focus on. 
  • Remember your memoir is about ONE event. 
  • Let me show you some examples. 
  • Think about what you want to write your memoir about. Spend some time thinking about the small details of that event. 
  • Keep reading. 
