Getting all caught up on Friday

Goals: Finish reading "Us and Them", Look at some of the thematic elements of the memoir.

Keep making progress in your book.
Reading is your homework.

Finish reading "Us and Them": 
Return to
Sign in with Google and finish reading Us and Them as you answer the questions.

Know what's going on: 
If you are finished reading "Us and Them" you should find out more about what happened with hurricane Dorian. This Newsela article can help you learn more.

I think we will have time for this:
Click HERE when I tell you to.
Be ready to talk about the memoir with your partner. 

Keep reading. If you didn't read every night this week then read more this weekend.
Add your six word memoir to this padlet page if you haven't already. Read the directions carefully.
Make sure all (both) assignments are turned in in Google Classroom.
