Reading memoirs

Um, why is there a toothbrush on the blog? 
Goal: Read and compare two memoirs.

  • You should be almost 1/2 way through the book you started last week. 
  • We call this book #1. 
  • Remember you'll read two books for this grading period. 
  • Your homework is to read. 

When you are absent: 
  • It is your responsibility to check the class blog to see what you missed. 
  • If you check the blog and still have questions you should ask me. 
  • The link to this blog is also on my staff page of the PLHS website. 

Two short memoirs: 
You can read a digital version of these two memoirs HERE.

English Journal: 
  1. Open your English Journal. (You bookmarked it yesterday right?)
  2. Add a new entry AT THE TOP (But below the line at the top.)
  3. Add the date for today. 
  4. Write in response to this prompt: 
What do the two stories we just read have in common? What is similar about them? What did you enjoy or not enjoy about each of them? 
Picture day is tomorrow and Friday. Get your picture taken in room 301 if you do not have a student ID. You need a student ID.
