Three Things for Tuesday

Three elephants and you have three things to do. 
Happy Tuesday. Welcome back. 

Goals: Read. Get acquainted with your English Journal doc. Add your six word memoir to our padlet.


1. Read
  • Remember you want to be almost halfway through your first book by the middle of this week. If you aren't you may not be reading enough at home. Check yourself...
  • READING PROGRESS UPDATE << complete the form. We will fill this out every few weeks as a way of checking in about your reading . 

2. Meet your English Journal
  • Make a new folder in your Google Drive. Call it English 19-20
  • There is a new doc in your "Shared with me" section of your Google Drive. It's called (your name) English Journal 19-20. 
  • Add that doc to your drive and put it in your English 19-20 folder. 
  • Open your English Journal and read the directions there. (Do what they say.)

3. Post your six word memoir
  • By now you've had lots of time to think about and revise your favorite six word memoir. It's time to share it. 
  • Go to THIS PADLET. Add your FIRST name, and last initial, then your period number. 
  • Paste your six word memoir under your name. 

  • Advisory starts today. Go to your advisory class right after 4th period. Ask me if you don't know where to go. 
  • Keep reading. It's your homework. You can do it. 
