Writing Groups Continue

Goal: Continue writing groups with even better conversations!

What's working in writing groups?
Writing Groups (need to finish today)

Getting Started:
  • What's working in writing groups?
  • What kinds of discussion help writers most?
  • Follow the procedures in the chart or on THIS PAGE with your group. 
    Memoir Rubric: (below)

    • How does your memoir compare to the rubric?
    • Anything on here your memoir still needs?


    • Finish polishing your memoir. It is due TOMORROW!
    • Read: You should finish book #2 by 10/4


    Criteria (standard)5
    Structure (9.3c)An interesting introduction captures attention. The main event in the narrative (memoir) is logically organized and clearly described.
    Language (9.3b, 9.3d)Uses precise words and phrases, details, figurative language, and sensory language to convey a vivid picture of the experience. Uses authentic dialog, pacing and description to develop the experience.
    Reflection (9.3e)The writer reflects on the experience including any change in perspective.
    Grammar and mechanics (9.3a, 9.5)The writer uses the first person consistently. The writer has revised the memoir to strengthen writing and demonstrates command of standard written English.
    Word CountMemoir is 700-800 words in length
