Finishing Visual Memoirs

Goal: Make progress on your digital memoir slides.

Books out

A helpful extension: 
Some students like this font better. 
If it helps you read you can use it. 

Reading Progress Update: 
Lets see how your reading is going.
CLICK HERE to tell me about your reading.

Quick Write:
  • Open your English Journal.
  • Describe a character in the book you are reading.
  • Include a physical description, but also consider personality, speech, thoughts, etc. 
  • Use interesting, specific, adjectives. 
  • Use figurative language. Similes work really well here. 

Work on Visual Memoirs: 

  • By the end of class today you should have all the pictures  in your slides and your script. 
  • Remember to use pictures from or your own images. 
  • Use the slide notes section to write the words you would say to go with the pictures. Don't put words on your slides. 
  • Finish your visual memoir. Slides are due tomorrow. If you opted to make the video version, that is due tomorrow too. 
  • Read. You should be finishing book #2 this week. Its fine if you are starting book #3. 
  • Open house is tonight. Remind your parents to come. 
