What can setting tell us about character?

Art by: Cate Simmons
Goal: Understanding how setting helps us understand characters.

Writing about setting
Reading a setting
Reading specifically for setting

#1: Open your English Journal
Start a new entry at the top.
Describe a place you like to be. What does this place say about you as a person? 
#2: Look closely at a setting
CLICK THIS LINK: to view a description of a setting from Great Expectations. We will look closely at what this setting tells us about the characters.

#3: Talk to your group
  1. Talk to your group about what's happening in your novel.
  2. What is confusing you about the events or characters in your novel? 
  3. How has setting played a role so far?
  4. What do the settings tell you about the characters? 
  5. MARK the places in your book where the setting informs you about the characters.

  • Finish your article of the week assignment from 10/14 in your English Journal.
  • Keep up with your reading. Be prepared to meet your reading goal for Friday. 
  • You can still revise your memoir or your visual memoir and request a regrade. 
