Working on Visual Memoirs

Note the visible black bar of attribution. 
Goal: Continue working on your visual memoir.

Because we always read.
Get out your book.

1. 9th Grade Reading Survey

2. Things to be working on: 

  • Visual Memoir (Due Friday)
  • Do you need a presentation date?
  • Did you finish your AOW from Friday in your EJ?

Copyright free images:
  • For your visual memoir you can only use pictures from or personal pictures you or someone you know took. 
  • All pictures must have a visible black attribution bar OR be listed on the credits slide of your visual memoir. 
  • You may also use Creative Commons licensed images from other sources, but you must provide a link to that source in on the credits slide. (Use correct citation format.)
  • Citation format for images is:  Creator's Last name, First name. “Title of the digital image.” Title of the website, retrieval date. URL.
  • Note: Providing a citation DOES NOT mean you are allowed to use the image. If you are in doubt about image rights ask a teacher. 

  • Read
  • Work on your visual memoir
  • Open House is Thursday 10/3
  • Finish reading book #2 by Friday. 
