Reading Progress and Article of the Week

Goals: Reading progress update and your next Article of the Week. 

Read: Reading your group novel is recommended.
Reading Progress Update
Article of the Week

1. Reading Progress Update
Complete THIS FORM about your recent reading.
Be sure to use the last question to let us know about other books you've finished recently.

2. Article of the Week: You have Two Choices

Read this ARTICLE about recent wildfires and write two paragraphs in your English Journal. 
OR Read this ARTICLE about rapid DNA technology and write two paragraphs in your English Journal.

  • In the first paragraph summarize the article. Use the summary frame here if you need to.>>>
  • In the second paragraph share your thoughts/opinions. 

Newsela Tip: Choose Sign in with Google!

Done already? Check your English Journal. Are you done with:
  • Conflicts your character is facing
  • Descriptive writing paragraph
  • Six sentence summary of group novel
  • Diction paragraph
  • Previous Article of the week
  • Reread the last two chapters of your group novel to be ready for the very last novel quiz tomorrow.
  • Think about any questions you might want to ask your counselor when we go to see them on Thursday.
  • Be reading book #4 at home in time to finish by 11/20.
