Progress on Letters to McBride

Goal: Progress on our letters to McBride.

Check PowerSchool
Letter to McBride

1. Check Power School:
  • Now is a good time to check your grades.
  • Are you missing anything you could make up?
  • Is there anything you can still work on for a regrade?
  • Is there anything I made a mistake on? 
2. Letter to McBride:
  • Yesterday you began a letter to Mr. McBride. 
  • Today we will work on the second paragraph. 
  • Tomorrow you need a complete draft to share with your writing group for feedback. 
  • Remember, you can view the rubric HERE to see how the assignment is scored.
Frames for your second paragraph: (You will need more than this, but these might help.)
  • One of the things you wrote was, "..(include quotation from the text)...." I agree/disagree with that because (include your personal experience or example to show why you agree or disagree.)
  • You also stated that, "....(quotation from text)..." I think this is true/not true because...(give reasons, evidence for why you thing this is true or not.) 
Important Dates and Reminders:
  • Your complete draft of your letter to McBride is due Friday 1/17 (before school).
  • Keep reading. Finish book #6 by 1/31. 
  • Last day to request any regrades is 1/21. 
  • Finals begin 1/22.
