Counselors presenting your course options, and Book #6 Discussion Preparation

Today counselors are speaking to our class about course selections for next year.

You got a LIGHT BLUE card like the one in this picture>>

  • Take it home, review it with your parents, circle the classes you need to take, get it signed, and bring it back to Mrs. Roberts.
  • Return the LIGHT BLUE card to Mrs. R before February 19th!
  • Choose your course selections for next year very carefully. 
  • Choose courses that are right for you. 
  • Get advice from your current teachers.
  • If you are absent see Mrs. R for an articulation card.

Book Socratic Tomorrow: 

  • Yes, tomorrow, you will be sharing your thoughts about book #6 with a small group. 
  • FINISH the "Independent Reading Socratic Seminar Preparation" paper that we gave you in class today. 
  • Bring it with you to class tomorrow. 
  • If you are absent or if you lost the paper we gave you in class, you can find a digital copy of it HERE. (But you should bring a paper copy of it to class because we won't have computers open when we are talking about books.)


  • Finish your book Socratic Doc
  • Get your blue card signed
  • Keep reading book #7
