Writing about theme and irony in "Possibility of Evil"

Goal: Writing academically about irony and theme in "Possibility of Evil"

Writing about irony


  1. Open your English Journal. Add a new entry at the top with today's date. 
  2. Use the prompt below to write a response about "Possibility of Evil" 
  3. Use evidence from the text in your writing. 
  4. If you need help writing about irony look at THESE SLIDES
  5. You can find some examples of irony from the story HERE. (Note, all these examples were suggested by 9th graders. Some of them may not be great examples. Choose wisely.)
Shirley Jackson uses irony frequently in “The Possibility of Evil.” Give at least two examples of irony from the story and explain why each is ironic.  What do these examples tell us about the character and what Jackson thinks about human nature?


  • You should be about starting your first book for this grading period, Book #7 for the year. it should meet one of the reading challenges we talked about last week. 
  • The counselors are coming to talk to us tomorrow. 
