The Danger of a Single Story

Image result for ted talks logoGoal: Finish writing about our photos and watch a speech

Article Check
Write about TIME Photo
Watch a speech (+take notes!)

1. Article Check 
  • As you are reading, we're going to check to make sure you have your nonfiction article for your comparison tomorrow. 
  • Bookmark your article! You need to access it quickly tomorrow.
  • Put a link to your article in your English Journal. 
2. Write About Your TIME Photo 
  • Yesterday you started working on your Investigating Photojournalism document (you should have a copy in your Google Drive)
  • I will give you 10 minutes to spice up your answers. 
  • This document will be assessed based on quality of writing, not quantity. Use the questions as guidelines. 
3. Watching a Speech 
  • You all wrote about stereotypes people have had about you that were not necessarily who you are. 
  • We're going to watch a TED Talk by Chimimanda Ngozi Adiche called "The Danger of a Single Story."
  • While we watch, please be prepared to take notes in your English Journal about the talk.
  • I will ask you specifically to write down lines that you find memorable. 
  • I will pause the talk intermittently so you can catch up on your notes.
We're writing about Book #10 tomorrow. Most of you should be on Book #11 or #12 right now because you're speedy. If you need help choosing a book, ask! We still have other book reviews coming your way before the end of the year.
