Closings and Reflections in Memoirs

Goals: Writing a great closing for your memoir and maybe even some great reflection too.

10 min independent reading


  • Yesterday you got a copy of a doc with openings and closings. 
  • It was the green one, remember? 
  • We worked on openings, but most of us didn't get to closings. 
  • Open that doc and start looking at the closings. 
  • What do you notice or like about each closing. 
  • C/P two you like and write a version for each that fits YOUR memoir. 
  • When authors reflect they tell us why the moment mattered. 
  • Your memoir needs reflection too. 
  • Use one of the docs below to look at some reflections. 
  • Write your own version that fits YOUR memoir for two of them. 
  • You have two choices. You can look at both and then click "Use Template" on the one you want to use. 
Memoir Rubric:
An interesting introduction captures attention. The main event in the narrative (memoir) is logically organized and clearly described.  Uses precise words and phrases, details, figurative language, and sensory language to convey a vivid picture of the experience. Uses authentic dialog, pacing and description to develop the experience.  The writer reflects on the experience including any change in perspective.  The writer uses the first person consistently. The writer has revised the memoir to strengthen writing and demonstrates command of standard written English.  Memoir is 700-800 words in length
  • The final draft of your memoir is due Friday
  • Take a good look at the rubric. (Click the picture to see it larger.)
  • What does your memoir have/do well? 
  • What do you still need to work on? 
  • Wednesday and Thursday you will get peer feedback in writing groups. 
  • If you need more help than I can give you in class I am here after school everyday this week. 
  • You can also ask for an advisory pass. 
As always -- Keep reading!
